
Europäischer Kulturpreis 2024

Am 07. Juni hatte ich die ehrenvolle Aufgabe den Wiener Sängerknaben & Wiener Chormädchen den Europäischen Kulturpreis als Laudator zu überreichen. Die Verleihung fand im Rahmen einer festlichen Gala in der Philharmonie Luxembourg statt. Die Auszeichnung gilt als eine der wichtigsten Europas: Neben den Wiener Sängerknaben und den Wiener Chormädchen wurden unter anderen IKH Großherzogin Maria Teresa, die Dirigentin Alondra de la Parra, Startenor Rolando Villazon, Fatma Said, Ronan Keating, Frank Elstner und Jean-Claude Juncker sowie die Luxemburger Philharmoniker geehrt.

Filming: Kabul

Since April 1, 2024, a new international production by the European Alliance has been being produced in Athens and the surrounding area in co-production with New8: The drama series with the working title “Kabul” puts the events surrounding the arrival of the Taliban on August 14, 2021 at the center of the plot: While the Taliban are at the gates of the city, France is preparing to evacuate its embassy. But the sudden fall of Kabul the next day thwarts all plans. French, Italian, German and American diplomats and police have to improvise the evacuation of hundreds of Afghan and international refugees to the airport. Directors Olga Chajdas and Kasia Adamik direct the six episodes of the series based on scripts by authors Olivier De Mangel and Thomas Finkielkraut. The international cast includes Jonathan Zaccaï, Thibault Evrard, Olivier Rabourdin, Eric Dane, Jeanne Goursaud, Ludwig Blochberger, Leonard Scheicher, Gianmarco Saurino, Valentina Cervi, Vassilis Koukalani, Shervin Alenabi and David Rott.


Successful start

My concert reading "The Book of Those Killed by Neil Young” has finally premiered. My little tour through Germany began two weeks ago in the sold-out Bruckner Foyer of the Renaissance Theater Berlin.



Premiere: The Book of Those Killed by Neil Young Link

On January 28, 2024 at the Renaissance Theater Berlin.

Ludwig Blochberger reads from Navid Kermani's book and plays selected songs by Neil Young live on the guitar.

Tickets SOLD OUT


Dates 2024

11. Oktober


The Book of those Killed by Neil Young
19:00 Uhr • Seebadzentrum Lubmin